What to do with My Leaking Garbage Disposal
1-800-Plumber + Air of Portland
Garbage disposals are great appliances that have made washing dishes easy and convenient. Like all appliances, however, garbage disposals can run into problems and have issues. One of the most common problems that homeowners encounter is with a garbage disposal leaking. Before jumping to conclusions and thinking that it's broken and needs replacing, there are some things that you can do to remedy the situation. This article will take a more in-depth look at garbage disposals and what causes them to leak. We'll also tell you who to call to remedy the situation and get your disposal working as good as new.
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Things That Will Damage Your Garbage Disposal
Garbage disposals have a lifespan of around 12 years on average. You can lengthen or lessen the lifespan of your disposal, however, depending on how well you take care of it. Putting certain foods and items down your disposal could damage it and cause it to give out prematurely. Here is a list of Dos and Dont's when it comes to Garbage disposals.
Do not under any circumstances put the following items down your garbage disposal.
Coffee grounds
Egg shells
Onion or potato skins
Nuts or shells
Seeds and pits
Bones, grease, oil, and fat
Each of the items listed above can clog your disposal or damage the blades and result in serious problems.
Clean your disposal regularly.
Break down large items before putting them down the disposal.
Use cold water instead of hot water.
Never run the disposal unless the water is turned on.
Hand crank the bottom of the disposal to eliminate jams.
Have it inspected by a plumbing professional on a regular basis.
Who Should I Call if My Garbage Disposal is Leaking?
If your garbage disposal is leaking and you need help fast, look no further than 1-800-Plumber + Air of Portland. We have the tools and experience necessary to stop your disposals leak and have it working better than ever. No matter how well you maintain and care for your garbage disposal, leaks are inevitable in the longrun.
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