1-800-Plumber +Air
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Keep your drains flowing
At 1-800-Plumber +Air, our professional plumbers tell us there's one question every homeowner asks: "how can I prevent my drains from clogging?" Clogged drains, pipes, and backed up septic systems are the reasons why many homeowners call for plumbing services. Often, what causes these problems to recur again and again is a build up of fat, oil, and grease in the inside of your pipes from cooking. Over time, the build-up causes your sinks, tubs, and showers to drain slower and eventually clog up completely.
800-Bio, our drain maintenance program, breaks down build-ups, keeping your drains flowing smoothly all year long. Made with an environmentally-friendly formula, each bottle contains 32 treatments that are safe for people, pets, and pipes.